BPM+ Health Adoption Guide & Playbook

Author: Organizational Adoption and Change Management Working Group

The BPM+ Health Adoption Playbook is offered as a companion to the OMG Healthcare Domain Task Force's Field Guide to Shareable Clinical Pathways and provides guidance and tools to assist organizations with the adoption of shareable clinical pathways to continuously improve quality and efficiency of care. The Playbook goes beyond the mechanics of model localization that may be needed for a specific setting of care and addresses the variety of organizational business capabilities needed to support multiple levels of adoption: documentation, specification, computation, and execution.

This playbook provides a framework for the institutional adoption of BPM+ sharable clinical pathways. The scope of the adoption may range from using the pathways as descriptions of manual process through guiding technology implementation all the way to being directly executable. The progression of this framework ensures the application of the appropriate models to optimize available resources to deliver the most effective solution.

Adoption of BPM+ sharable clinical pathways have the potential to significantly impact both business processes as well as provide the foundational capabilities to achieve the objectives that fulfill the goals of the organization. There is significant value from the automation of processes (knowledge representation and formalization of processes).

The BPM+ adoption playbook framework consists of the following activities:

  • Secure Organizational Commitment
  • Readiness Assessment
  • Develop Organizational Change Management Strategy and Planning
  • Pilot Implementation, Assessment, and Modification
  • Enterprise Deployment

Adoption Playbook

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