Field Guide to Shareable Clinical Pathways
The Field Guide leverages standard-based methods from OMG, HL7, and HSPC to represent and share the clinical knowledge. By applying formal models to healthcare practice patterns, the information becomes computer-consumable and automatable, giving doctors and clinicians evidence-based information at the point of care.
Read MoreBPM+ Adoption Guide & Playbook
The BPM+ Health Adoption Playbook is offered as a companion to the OMG Healthcare Domain Task Force's Field Guide to Shareable Clinical Pathways and provides guidance and tools to assist organizations with the adoption of shareable clinical pathways to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of care.
Read MoreReadiness Assessment Maturity Model (RAMM)
It still takes up to 17 years for the latest medical knowledge & best practices to be integrated into clinical workflows. The Readiness Assessment and Maturity Model (RAMM) was created to help organizations determine how well-positioned they are to support these needs.
Read MoreModeling a Clinical Pathway for Contraception, Applied Clinical Informatics
Our objective was to use BPMN and DMN to model and standardize the processes and decisions involved in initiating birth control according to the CDC's MEC for birth control initiation. This model could then be incorporated into an electronic health records system or other digital platform.
Read MoreWhat to Expect When Participating in Business Process Modeling Activities
This guide was created as an asset to help you and your organization effectively engage functional experts in modeling activities. Please feel free to adapt and customize! Every organization has unique roles, terms, approaches, and nuances. This FAQ is designed to be tailored, and you are encouraged to do so to adapt to your specific audience and needs. We welcome your feedback and experiences and feel free to send comments to the authors by sending a note to [email protected].
Read MoreCase Studies
It still takes up to 17 years for the latest medical knowledge & best practices to be integrated into clinical workflows. This time lag has devastating consequences for all of healthcare's leading actors (Patient, Provider, Payer) & stands a firm barrier to realizing value-based care outcomes. Learn how BPM+ is being deployed to heal healthcare today.
BPM Certification
Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPM) certification exams validate an individual's knowledge and skills in the way BPM is used in today's complex distributed business environment. The BPM exams test not only a candidate's knowledge of domain standards (e.g., BPM, Business Motivation Model (BMM) and Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM)), but also the application of standard aspects in the field and of industry best practices over a wide range of business process-related topics.