Attend Sessions Over Two Days

DATE: September 16 - 17, 2020
LOCATION: Virtual event
COST: $99
Members of BPM+ Health receive a complimentary pass with code.
CONTACT: [email protected]

Thank you for attending! Presentations are being added below.



Wednesday, September 16 - Times are in ET

  • 11:00am - 12:00pm: BPM+ Health Year in Review
    Ken Rubin, Executive Director, BPM+ Health; Shane McNamee, CMIO, BPM+ Health; Dr. Anna Orlova, co-chair, Academic & Professional Education, BPM+ Health

    This session will recap the major milestones and achievements of the BPM+ Health community over the last year from the creation of 5 Working Groups - Authoring, Methodology, Implementation, Adoption, and Academic and Professional Education. We will discuss the value proposition of BPM+ Health and how this approach to authoring clinical guidelines impacts healthcare metrics.

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  • 1:00pm - 2:00pm: Authoring Clinical Workflows Using BPM+ Standards
    Davide Sottara, co-chair, Authoring Working Group and Principal Knowledge Engineer, Mayo Clinic
    Use Case: Managing COVID-19 in the Emergency Department. Assist in determining the appropriate evaluation and disposition for adult patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

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  • 2:15pm - 3:15pm: Curating Clinical Knowledge in the Age of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
    Frank Opelka, Medical Director, American College of Surgeons

    This session will examine the emergence of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how professional healthcare societies can start to curate clinical knowledge to take advantage of these technologies and improve healthcare practice.

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  • 3:30pm - 4:30pm: COVID-19 Navigator
    Ken Rubin, Executive Director, BPM+ Health; Lorraine Constable, Principal, Constable Consulting

    BPM+ Health members are working on a “COVID-19 Navigator,” an online tool that categorizes COVID-19 information (research, statistics, articles, etc.) so information can be easily discovered and filtered by healthcare professionals and others researching COVID-19. This session will demonstrate the tool under development that is targeted for release at the end of the year.

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Thursday, September 17 - Times are in ET

  • 11:00am - 12:00pm: Making the Business Case for BPM+ Health
    Shane McNamee, CMIO, BPM+ Health; Jonathan Nebeker, Acting CMIO, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; Theresa Cullen, Pima County Health Director in Arizona; David Kwo, EPR Consultant and Researcher, People Source Consulting

    Join this roundtable to discuss the business case for modeling clinical guidance in BPM+ standards and adopting shareable clinical pathways in healthcare settings. Learn from a professional healthcare society authoring clinical guidelines in BPM+ modeling standards, a vendor using models of clinical care guidelines in healthcare IT solutions, and a healthcare provider bringing clinical guideline models into practice.

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  • 1:00pm - 2:30pm: Academic and Professional Education (APE) Working Group update
    Dr. Anna Orlova and Lee Wise, co-chairs of the Academic and Professional Education Working Group, BPM+ Health

    The APE Working Group is planning a working session to review and discuss:

    • The group's charter and roadmap document for professional education
    • The Student Capstone Project completed this summer in partnership with Duke University School of Nursing - next steps
    • Round two of the group's survey to guide the development of educational resources

  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm: Governance Session (open to all)
    Ken Rubin, Executive Director, BPM+ Health; Tracie Berardi, Program Manager, BPM+ Health

    Interested in learning how the BPM+ Health community operates? Join this session to hear what is being proposed for the year ahead - a Steering Committee, Clinical Advisory Committee, membership structure, roles and responsibilities, collaboration site, and sponsorship opportunities.

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